Do some very specific ideas emerge about your networking and sources? Does your engagement to date seem appropriate? Initially when I saw the tasks in part 3 on networking, I naively thought 'great I know how to do this, it's easy.' I was, and have been for a few years now networking in my career but I never knew there were so many possible routes to do so. I always thought networking was 'just talking to people in my career.' Through these tasks I have now been able to develop my skills in networking and realise that there are a variety of ways I can network. Including social media, things like this blog, youtube, facebook etc. Are your ideas, position or concerns shared by others within and/or beyond your professional area of work? With regards to the BAPP arts course I find this to be completely true. When we have had various Skype/Breeze chats it really comes through that we all have the same questions and through these chats we can help each other through ...