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Module 1 Breeze chat, Monday 21.11.16

I was interested to see what would come from the chat, as I know I had a lot of questions and queries and wanted to see if everyone was in the same boat? 
I had also never used breeze before so was a bit nervous about being able to participate in case something went wrong. But luckily it didn't and was very simple to use. 
So the chat had already started when I had logged into it, which I was worried about what I missed, but I soon caught up and got into the swing of things. 
There was so much information given from both Paula, and the other students on the course that I could not stop writing notes down! If I was in a cartoon I believe my pen would have been on fire! :)
It was so nice to share with everyone, and was also a relief that I wasn't the only one who was feeling a bit nervous about the portfolio. But Paula explained it so well and really eased my worries. I have already started to get my appendices together and have started my first draft. I am slightly worried about the word count still as I have learned so much already on this course I think I will struggle to keep it to just 1000 words! But that is a challenge in itself, and I do love a good challenge.
The other thing I believe some of us were struggling with was how to 'map' our networks i.e. how do we set it out. Paula then used one of us as an example (apologies I can't remember who!) and she started to write out in the correct format her network. This was so helpful, and I have started mine already. I am finding I am adding more everyday as they come to me. 

All in all, this session was really good. It was so nice how everyone got involved and shared stories and examples of how these things have applied to them in their work. Although we are all doing the same course, we all have very different backgrounds and our types of work. So it's nice to hear how different or similar we find these tasks as a group. 

Thanks to everyone and Paula who was there for the chat. It has really helped me! 


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