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Change is good...

So I have recently received my feedback from Adesola, and it was extremely helpful so I wanted to have a short discussion with her about where I went from there. So tonight I had a skype chat with her and here are my thoughts after....

My aims and objectives have changed quite dramatically now. One of my first aims was to try and create a simple definition of ‘’what is community dance?’’ After speaking with Adesola, colleagues and looking at several pieces of literature, I have found that this would completely defeat the object of community dance itself. It cannot be specified into one short definition as it is an extremely vast subject. It is not a technique within dance, but an approach instead. Many practitioners will all have different opinions on what is community dance, and they are all right. What I have discovered so far is that there isn’t really a ‘wrong’ answer. Community dance is about empowering and creating opportunities within the dance world, using the community the practitioners have decided to focus on. Whether that be all female, young people perhaps, or the elderly? It is about involvement and individuality of the group and the participants themselves. 

My next aim was to look specifically at community dance within my area, which is Kent. However in doing so, this really limited me as to what I could learn. Community dance has been ongoing for years, all over the world and I want to look at and learn as much as I can throughout this inquiry. Although, so I don’t get too carried away with myself I will be looking at western culture in community dance, as this is more along the lines of where I will be working and the kind of approach i will be using within my practice. This has really opened my inquiry up to see how I can really develop my practice by finding so many different influences from different practitioners and communities themselves.

As a whole I feel so much better about my inquiry now. I feel I have already learnt a lot within my inquiry so far. I was starting to feel quite 'stuck' with my inquiry as I kept hitting some dead ends. But now I have made these useful changes, I cannot wait to keep going with my inquiry and I feel refreshed now.


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