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Ethics in the workplace - 5a

For this task we were asked to look at the ethics in our workplace. As I work for a variety of companies with people of all ages/capabilities/shapes/sizes there are quite a lot of ethics in the workplace that I need to consider. 

To start of with, I needed to make sure I have the right qualifications to do my job as a freelance dance artist. Such as a DBS check, safeguarding for children and vulnerable adults, insurance and also first aid. Then on top of that the correct training for the specific roles I take on, for example to be a TAPfit instructor I needed to go on a training day to gain the qualification to run these classes. 

So with the correct certificates I can now be a freelance dance artist. 

As I travel from place to place within a variety of settings I can never guarantee what the area of teaching will be like until I get there. So the first thing to think of is preparation and safety. Insuring I arrive at least 15 minutes before each class allows me time to look at the space and move things around if I believe it is not safe.

As well as this, each company I work for has a different set of codes that you are to work from. These codes include things like permission to take photos/videos etc. No matter the age, at least a verbal consent is needed, however for children and older adults written consent either by themselves or a parent/carer is also required. 

Also with my teaching I encounter a lot of different people from various backgrounds. So i need to be fully aware of this and take into consideration anything that may offend a belief/culture so the easiest way is to make sure I have the correct music/movements and props that will ensure I do not offend any of the participants. 

The main thing I find is to always be fully prepared and have everything that you need with you always such as codes of conduct/dbs check etc. And you must always have a fair few back up plans, as you may need to make quite a few drastic changes. 

That's about as much as I can think of off of the top of my head, but I will be looking further into this, and looking at my work places codes of conduct for more examples. This will be coming quite shortly.

Any other views/ideas would be much appreciated so please feel free to comment below! 


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