Onto the next task! When I first read that we had to create an Audio Visual and upload it onto youtube, my initial thought was dread! I am not really one for videos or even pictures for that matter! But I have committed myself to this course and ALL of the challenges it throws my way. So I began... I started doing a little research and having a look at what people have done in the past for this task. I noticed that there was quite a variety in the way people have done this task, and one of the things I first noticed was that, I didn't have to be in the video! I liked the idea of using pictures and even some people used power point to do their audio visuals. Taking some of these ideas on, I decided the first thing I need to do is write a short script of what I am going to say, easy right? Wrong! I think I changed my mind at least 10 times! In honesty I lost count of how many pieces of paper I had scribbled all over. But finally my script was done. I then...