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Award Title - Task 6c

This task has asked us to provide our Title for our proposal. Looking at our questions for our inquiry to give us an overall title. 

Based on my questions I have decided to call my proposal the following:

' An Inquiry Research Proposal into the dynamics of community dance, it's history and the benefits it entails.' 

Written Rationale:

The rationale behind my title is based on community dance as this is such a broad subject I wanted to focus it on the 3 main sections: what is community dance? the history (how has it developed) and the benefits of community dance. I decided to focus my inquiry on community dance as I am currently a community dance practitioner and would like to develop my knowledge on this subject, using my practice and the support I have around me. Currently my work role involves teaching in various locations with a wide range of participants. This includes Dance in the EYFS (early years foundation stage) all the way up to care homes where participants can be 100 years old. Also I teach a huge variety of styles from ballet to contemporary to street to cross-curricular.  Therefore I would like to look more in depth to be able to develop my teaching skills by looking at what other community dance practitioners beliefs and their practices.  I believe this inquiry will benefit me in the future as it covers such a wide range in dance, which I can use throughout my future career development. 

Any thoughts on my award title would be really appreciated. :)


  1. hey georgie! Just thought I would add my input on this... by the award speciality I believe the task means you choose what you want your professional practice award title to be... for example BA Hons Professional Practice (Dance) - You choose the bracket bit :) I got a bit confused on this task too but forgive me if i'm wrong but I think that's what it means! :) We are all in this together so didn't want to read your blog and not make you aware of what I thought the interpretation of the task is :)
    Hope you dont mind me telling you :) However on a positive note what you have written here is not a waste! You can definitely use that in your proposal or critical reflection! :)

    Adesola shared some great information with me regarding proposal titles though! We will only develop more on a title we have already been working along the lines of! It is only the very end we realise what we are calling our proposal! Took me some understanding too! I was thinking the whole module I needed to set the title of my proposal and I wasnt allowed to change it!! But we definitely are!

    Good Luck with the draft!


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